Team Registration - see bellow for step by step!
We're upgrading our system to better support teams and players. Please bear with us during this transition—exciting improvements are on the way! When you click this link, you'll be sent to our future website. We're harnessing the full power of technology to better serve our community.
Season cost is $4K per team, here is what your registration gets your team:
15 games in a world class proper 20x40 court
Playoffs - full 20 minutes stop time
Player Statistics - We will be collecting players stats thought the season
Every single game will be livestream, for free on youtube
Players profile in our website.
Here’s how you can sign up! Deadline is September 12th!
We're building a new webpage that will offer dynamic results and real-time game scheduling. Standings will be updated as games happen. To register your team, simply click 'Sign In' at the top right corner.
New Webpage
Create Account
After you click 'Sign In,' you'll be sent to this page. You’ll need to review and accept the photography and release rules. This should be a quick process.
2. Read and Accept rules
After you open both links, a blue button will appear—just click on it.
3. Put your first and last name
4. select your role
just click next after
5. add your email, and select a password
There it go, click sign up!
6. Verify your email
you will receive a confirmation email, just go to your mailbox.
7. just click in the link
don't forget to check your junk email!
8. You’ll be send it back to the new website
Click in the profile in the top right corner and click profile.
9. You can update your information here - Click in Teams
You’ll have to add all your information here. From there click in teams in the left side. Click in My teams, and click in the top right green button to create a team.
10. Here is where you will create your team.
Please make sure you put your team full name
What 3-4 letter abbreviation you want your team to have of broadcast.
the team email - it can be the same
the team phone number - it can be the same than yours.
The Gender of the Team
The team logo ( this will be use in the website and for broadcast).
You have create your team - to be confirmed your will have to click in Open to make the league deposit.
After you make the deposit your spot in guarantee.
This website will be filled with statistics from your players and your team. We moved here to give us a better use of technology and support we can offer to our teams.
If you have any question, please reach out to